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USA里程表调整 汽车检测设备

2020/6/20 13:00:41发布166次查看
 usa prog full package
usa prog
hand-held one, very easy to use; with usb 2.0 port to update software or download/upload data; usa adapter, cmm adapter,obd cables are in package.
update mannual(12/12)
user manual for vw, audi, mb, bmw, porsche(29/09)
user manual for lincoln, ford,honda(31/10)
correction of usa adapter(version 418254)(03/12)
test video:
hummer h3 05-up pt cruiser2008 comander 2008 grand ch 2008
patriot 2008 caliber 2007 caravan 2008 300c 2008
wrangler 2008 venture century avenger 2008
nitro...06-up concord.....01-04 neon........99-01
pt cruiser..06-up lhs.........98-00 neon........01-up
pacifica....08-up lhs.........01-04 sx-2.0......01-up
caliber.....06-up sebring.....07-up stratus.....96-00
magnum......04-up sebring..01-06 breeze......96-00
charger.....04-up sebring.....96-00 cirrus......96-00
300c........04-up viper.......00-02 avenger.....07-up
intrepid ...98-00 ram van.....96-00 avenger.....96-00
intrepid ...01-04 caravan.....96-00 sri.........96-05
300m........98-00 ptcruiser...99-01 sri-4.......05-up
300m........01-04 ptcruiser...02-05 sri-5.......05-up
concord.....98-00 prowler.....96-02 voyager.......07-up
update 12/06
caravan .....01-up pacifica ....03-up  
update 06/08
sri1.........96-05 sri3.......05-up voyager.......2008
voyager.......01-up voyager.......96-00  
update 16/08
crossfire ..........all    
chrysler trucks
1500........98-99 dakota .....96-00 sri.........96-05
2500.........--02 durango.....04-06 sri-4.......05-up
3500.........--02 durango.....07-up sri-5.......05-up
dakota......04-up durango.....96-00  
update 12/06
ram.........06-up 1500........02-05 3500+hour...03-05
1500+hour...02-05 2500+hour...03-05  
update 06/08
sri1.........96-05 sri3...........05-up  
update 03/09
dakota ..... 01-03 durango ..... 01-03 1500.......00-01
wrangler........07-up grand cherokee..05-up tj/yj/cj........03-up
tj/yj/cj........07-up grand cherokee..02-04 sri-4...........05-up
compas..........06-up grand cherokee..98-01 sri-5...........05-up
patriot.........06-up grand cherokee..96-97  
comander........05-up liberty .......02-up  
update 06/08
gm cars and apv
montana.....00-05 silhouette..00-up grand am....98-up
impala......00-05 century.....98-up astro.......01-up
monte carlo.00-up intrigue....98-up safari..... 01-up
silhouette..00-up alero.......98-up  
venture.....00-up regal.......98-up  
update 12/06
hhr.........05-up malibu ......04-up cobalt......05-up
pursuit.....05-up g6..........04-up  
update 04/07
boneville...01-up corvette....99-04 aurora ......01-up
grand prix..01-03 camaro......99-up firebird....99-up
update 06/08
express.....03-up savana......03-up  
update 17/11
lacrosse first land  
gm trucks and suv
hummer h2...03-06 sierra......03-up yukon......00-02
avalanche...03-06 sierra......98-01 denali.....00-02
avalanche.....-02 suburban...03-06 denali.....03-up
escalade....03-06 suburban...98-up blazer.....98-up
escalade......-02 tahoe......03-06 sonoma.....98-up
silverado...03-06 tahoe......00-02 s10........98-up
silverado...97-01 yukon......03-06  
update 12/06
colorado ....05-up canyon......05-up hummer h3...05-up
update 04/07
trailblazer..-up envoy........-up bravada......-up
rendezvous ....00-up    
update 06/08
update 16/08
s10....97-98 sonoma....97-98 blazer....97-98
update 29/08
colorado ....05-up canyon......05-up hummer h3...05-up
town car....05-up freestile...05-up f250........06-up
ford escape....08-up f550........06-up f150........06-up
freestar....06-up f450........06-up merc mariner.....08-up
ford 500....05-up f350........06-up  
update 31/10
escape.....01-03 mustang.....98-03 windstar.....01-03
update 03/12
expedition.....05-06 explorer......05 navigator......05-06
update 06/12
beetle v1 beetle v2 bora....... -07
bora.......07- caddy.....- golf4.....07-
golf4 boo golf4 vdo golf5.....-
golf5 errormem golf5 service jetta.....05-
jetta.....07- lupo boo passat b5 802
passat b5 806 passat b6 2004 passat b6 2007
passat lingyu phaeton.....- polo......-
sagitar.....- sagitar errormem sagitar servic
touareg.....-03 touareg.....03- touran.....-
touran errormem touran service  
update 06/12
a2 vdo.....-01.7 a3 .....-01.7 a3.....01-03
a3.....03-04 a3.....05-06 a4.....-97
a4.....97-99 a4.....-01.7 a4 bosch.....01-04
a5 diag a6 mm a6 vdo.....-99.9
a6.....-04 a6.....04-06 a6.....06.7 -
a6.....07.7 - a6 encrypted a6 errormem
a6 service a8.....98 a8.....03-
a8.....05-06 a8 errormem a8 service
q7.....-06.7 q7.....06.7- r8 diag
s8 diag tt 880\930  
3 series cas2 plug 3 series cas3 plug 5 series cas2 plug
5 series cas3 plug 7 series cas2 plug  
c class w203 plug e class w211 plug  
996.....01.8- 996.....-01.8 boxster.....-01.8
boxster.....01.8- cayenne diag  
crv b32.....01-02 civic-nec.....01-up  
town car.....04-up town car..... 99-03 ls.....03-up
update 06/08
voyager 2008
voyager 01-up
voyager 96-00
modified usa adapter.
modified program of ram 06-up and some other cars.
modified program of f250 / f350 / f450 / f550.
update 16/08
s10 97-98
sonoma 97-98
blazer 97-98
note:correction of obd connect.
update 29/08
1. usa adapter update.
2. colorado 05-up     canyon 05-up     hummer h3 05-up
update 03/09
dakota 01-03
durango 01-03
1500 00-01
update 20/09
modified program of hummer h2, escalade etc.
update 23/09
add new vehicles vw, audi, mb, bmw, porsche.
user manual for vw, audi, mb, bmw, porsche
update 31/10
escape 01-03
mustang 98-03
windstar 01-03
add new vehicles lincoln,honda.
user manual for lincoln, ford,honda.
update 17/11
first land
update 02/12
3 series cas2 plug
3 series cas3 plug
5 series cas2 plug
5 series cas3 plug
7 series cas2 plug
update 03/12
expedition 05-06
explorer 2005
navigator 05-06
ranger 05-up
modified program of caravan 96-00/ sebring 96-00/ stratus 96-00
correction of usa adapter(version 418254)
update 06/12
touareg 08-up
mustang 05-up

中国 深圳


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